Dream High
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Unknown Feeling ~
Thursday 28 June 2012 ★ 18:20 │ (0) angels
Salam.. okay mnde ni berlaku minggu lpas..
feel ni mmg unknown gile
x sangka dn x terjangka
tp siyes aq suka tgk style dia
x terlmpau merimaskn
sempoi je.. kemas pon kemas
tp dri pndgn aq laa dye seorg yg pns barn
tgk muka pon dh tau
aq nie klu jumpa org pns brn mmg alamatnye boleh meletus gunung berapi laa
tp tu laa kesudhnnye kebykkn kwn aq pon pns brn
no komen laa pasl tuh tp aq suka tgk mata dye.
hah tu yg aq suka.. mata.. rambut dia.. personaliti dia..
tp tu laa jrk usia menghalang segala2nye and dia x knl aq n aq x knl dya
not completely stranger because I know his name..
tp aq rasa x lpas punye ngn brother aq.. hehe..
so this man will still be mystery .. who is he ? still be the question
but my father already aware about my feeling
he said its normal for teenagers my age
my picture wearing spectacles .. ( hope x nmpk nerd)
falling in love opss falling 'like' haahaa
dia knl aq tanpa spectacles hoho sebnr2nye aq nie rabun laa gak  .. hehe
btw congrats cause bleh wat aq suka ngn sekli pndg je,,
alaa perasaan remaja biasa laa
lg pon aq rasa crush ni cuma akn berthn seminggu ( I hope)
sbb x selesa gile asyik rasa berdebr je bile pk pasl dia..
dia x ensem but muka dia cam innocent..
x leh thn pndgn mata dia.. sgt misteri mcm nk kn jwpn
dia sgt tinggi .. pling best pernh berselisih ngn dia dkat gile hehe ( kngn manis wahahaaa)
hoho aq suka laki rmbut pnjg tp kemas but x la pnjg sgt
smpai leher maybe sbb aq nk org yg vice versa ngn aq .. aq suka rmbut pndek bia laa dye rmbut pnjg .. ngee sengal kn??
ok laa feel ni mmg weird but aq nk sgt2 knl dye ngn lebih dkat
hope dia still single tp tu laa dh besr pnjg x kn x de awek kot .. huhu
anyway aq mmg suka dia.. yay ! aq dh admit ! wohoo!!
btw dye mcm family gak laa ade laa relation skit ngn aq
haish mimi mimi ce skali ko suka org yg ko bleh suka..
ok laa thats all

Pieces Of Me
meet the big beauty boss

I am NurulSyamimi and this is my blog, it's mine. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where in i can have my freedom to express myself, rant whenever i wanted to, post non-sense shit, type asdfghjkl until i get tired like an idiot. I mean, who the hell in the world, uhmm (except me) would do that effin thing? of course no one. EXCEPT ME.Alright, you've got it. I really am an idiot. okay? and you've got any problems with that? kiss my fist. Actually i'm just sixTEEN and i don't act like what normal teen girls do. I'm weird and i like crazy things. I like the smell of an old book, I yawn and don't close my mouth even if i'm in a public place.. and i blah blah, i blah too.. enough. bye byee! You may click links and contact to befriend with me.Thanks !
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Unknown Feeling ~
Thursday 28 June 2012 ★ 18:20 │ (0) angels
Salam.. okay mnde ni berlaku minggu lpas..
feel ni mmg unknown gile
x sangka dn x terjangka
tp siyes aq suka tgk style dia
x terlmpau merimaskn
sempoi je.. kemas pon kemas
tp dri pndgn aq laa dye seorg yg pns barn
tgk muka pon dh tau
aq nie klu jumpa org pns brn mmg alamatnye boleh meletus gunung berapi laa
tp tu laa kesudhnnye kebykkn kwn aq pon pns brn
no komen laa pasl tuh tp aq suka tgk mata dye.
hah tu yg aq suka.. mata.. rambut dia.. personaliti dia..
tp tu laa jrk usia menghalang segala2nye and dia x knl aq n aq x knl dya
not completely stranger because I know his name..
tp aq rasa x lpas punye ngn brother aq.. hehe..
so this man will still be mystery .. who is he ? still be the question
but my father already aware about my feeling
he said its normal for teenagers my age
my picture wearing spectacles .. ( hope x nmpk nerd)
falling in love opss falling 'like' haahaa
dia knl aq tanpa spectacles hoho sebnr2nye aq nie rabun laa gak  .. hehe
btw congrats cause bleh wat aq suka ngn sekli pndg je,,
alaa perasaan remaja biasa laa
lg pon aq rasa crush ni cuma akn berthn seminggu ( I hope)
sbb x selesa gile asyik rasa berdebr je bile pk pasl dia..
dia x ensem but muka dia cam innocent..
x leh thn pndgn mata dia.. sgt misteri mcm nk kn jwpn
dia sgt tinggi .. pling best pernh berselisih ngn dia dkat gile hehe ( kngn manis wahahaaa)
hoho aq suka laki rmbut pnjg tp kemas but x la pnjg sgt
smpai leher maybe sbb aq nk org yg vice versa ngn aq .. aq suka rmbut pndek bia laa dye rmbut pnjg .. ngee sengal kn??
ok laa feel ni mmg weird but aq nk sgt2 knl dye ngn lebih dkat
hope dia still single tp tu laa dh besr pnjg x kn x de awek kot .. huhu
anyway aq mmg suka dia.. yay ! aq dh admit ! wohoo!!
btw dye mcm family gak laa ade laa relation skit ngn aq
haish mimi mimi ce skali ko suka org yg ko bleh suka..
ok laa thats all
