Dream High
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I like someone but who?
Monday 31 December 2012 ★ 05:26 │ (0) angels
based on the title i dont know about my own feeling
haish truth to be told i never exactly like anyone special
knp ek ngn aku nih .? hati aku x berfungsi tuk bercinta atau berkomitment ke? =(
sedih kan? tp aku boleh je ckp laki tu ensem laa cute laa tp nk suka ke arah cinta tuh susah ..
still menjadi tanda tanya sampai sekarang .. aku x jumpa MR.RIGHT lg kot ..
zaman persekolahan aku hmpir tamat tp puppy love ade laa ku experience
ku rasa puppy love laa perkara paling sia2 pernh aku buat

why lelaki zaman sekarang not eligible enough to be loved? why I can't find a guy that can lower my ego ? they just acting like a jerk and sometimes annoying.

susah kan nk cri cinta yg betul2 cinta zaman sekarang
sbb kita x leh bezakan antara lust and love

love x leh diucpkn dgn kata2 cukup hati yg berasa
lust kita selalu ckp I Love U .. U love me.. kissing kissing ..

well jodoh kena cri dia x kn dtg menawarkn diri ....
jd puppy love nie maybe salah stu cra utk kita remaja belajr dri kesilapan dn jgn ulanginye lg

jujur dlm hati ini ade someone tp ....................... siapa dye belum tahu lg .. haha
kedudukn itu direserved for my husband only . =)

Pieces Of Me
meet the big beauty boss

I am NurulSyamimi and this is my blog, it's mine. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where in i can have my freedom to express myself, rant whenever i wanted to, post non-sense shit, type asdfghjkl until i get tired like an idiot. I mean, who the hell in the world, uhmm (except me) would do that effin thing? of course no one. EXCEPT ME.Alright, you've got it. I really am an idiot. okay? and you've got any problems with that? kiss my fist. Actually i'm just sixTEEN and i don't act like what normal teen girls do. I'm weird and i like crazy things. I like the smell of an old book, I yawn and don't close my mouth even if i'm in a public place.. and i blah blah, i blah too.. enough. bye byee! You may click links and contact to befriend with me.Thanks !
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I like someone but who?
Monday 31 December 2012 ★ 05:26 │ (0) angels
based on the title i dont know about my own feeling
haish truth to be told i never exactly like anyone special
knp ek ngn aku nih .? hati aku x berfungsi tuk bercinta atau berkomitment ke? =(
sedih kan? tp aku boleh je ckp laki tu ensem laa cute laa tp nk suka ke arah cinta tuh susah ..
still menjadi tanda tanya sampai sekarang .. aku x jumpa MR.RIGHT lg kot ..
zaman persekolahan aku hmpir tamat tp puppy love ade laa ku experience
ku rasa puppy love laa perkara paling sia2 pernh aku buat

why lelaki zaman sekarang not eligible enough to be loved? why I can't find a guy that can lower my ego ? they just acting like a jerk and sometimes annoying.

susah kan nk cri cinta yg betul2 cinta zaman sekarang
sbb kita x leh bezakan antara lust and love

love x leh diucpkn dgn kata2 cukup hati yg berasa
lust kita selalu ckp I Love U .. U love me.. kissing kissing ..

well jodoh kena cri dia x kn dtg menawarkn diri ....
jd puppy love nie maybe salah stu cra utk kita remaja belajr dri kesilapan dn jgn ulanginye lg

jujur dlm hati ini ade someone tp ....................... siapa dye belum tahu lg .. haha
kedudukn itu direserved for my husband only . =)
